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I was born on February 9, 2019 at Kennel Gillix. There I had a nice upbringing with my brother and
2 sisters, mother Cleo and the "aunts" Daisy and Bonni. Not to forget the 2 legged Pia and her family, they
make sure we were taken care of with good food, lots of fun and cuddly moments.

My official name is Gillix West Key but on daily basis I am called Zain.
My mother traveled far to southern Germany to meet my dad August with him also
my grandfather Anton lived. Mama Cleo and my grandmother was born in the same place as me.

HEALTH tests
HD A  ED free OCD free
Done the mental test
I am father to 2 litters/Se more about my kids on page Offspriings.
My show results on page Shows 1.
I am Swedish show champion

My pedigree

SSV-GS 57815
August vom Grafenland
Multi CH
SSV-GS 5466 Anton vom Siebleber Schloss
Multi CH
SSV-GS 46556 Bruno aus dem Burgschatten
SSV-GS 52277 Betty von Einbrungen
SSV-GS 5386 Baby Best-J-Ja
Multi CH
SSV-GS 4389 Athos vom Ellernbruch
GS PKR II-88780 Marlen from Swiss Star
Gillix Gemini Cleo
Grösstenteils Eminen
S50039/2000 Amasona's Robin Hood
S57675/2005 Lemonie v D Zuiderwaard
Gillix Classiq Corint
S12606/2004 Frecajo's Epsilon
S57645/2003 Grosser Wald Perquita

5 year and 7 month old

5 Years old

4 year 9 month

4 year 5 month

4 year 3 month

4 year

3 years and 8 month

3 years and 7 month

3 years and 3 month

2,5 year

2 years and 3 month

2 years

1 year and 10 month

1 year and 7 month old

1 year and 6 month old

1 year and 3 month old

1 year

11 month and 4 days.

10 month and 8 days.

9 month and 4 days.

Almost 8 month old

Now I am 6,5 month old

Now I am 6 month old

Now I am 5 month old

Grown a bit!



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